Sunday, April 5, 2009

Nice Spring Run

Felt really good and relaxed on my run today. Went for a mixed trail and asphalt run for about 17k with some hills. Was fresh and didn't have any bad spots. Good to be back after the bad spots last week and all the exhaustion.

Running in northern Germany is really great. It doesn't get too cold in the winter and we don't have too much snow so that running outside might get tricky. By now it's relatively warm so you can shed the winter clothes, but not so hot that you have to worry about drinking all the time or overheating. (I'm still running in long sleeves and long tights). There are so many small streets for the farmers around here that you can run on good pavement with hardly any traffic if you want to. If you don't like that, there are a lot of trails around here (some still a bit muddy) so no need to stress your legs. Also, you have your pick between flat runs, rolling runs and some pretty steep hills. About the only thing we do not have is long hills .. but you can't have everything.

This is the thing that I am most worried about for Rennsteig .. long hills. Don't know what affect that'll have on my legs, but I guess there is not much I can do about it. Maybe you've got some ideas? Let me know in the comments ...


  1. I`m with the same problem. I`m doing next month in Eisenach my first ultra as you, but I haven`t trained trail and hills much - only flats with small ups and downs. But I have also a excuse - mu homecountry Estonia is very flat and there`s still a snow on the ground, what makes difficult to train trail-run :) thankfully couple on last days has been in here quite warm and I hope last five-six training weeks spend the maximum time on the trail-road. I hope, that capasity training is the main key to survive in Rennsteig and after supermarathon 25th km the landscape seems easier - will see and great luck to you!

  2. @Raivo: Thanks for the "first comment". Hope to put a couple of posts together with my race plan and a bit of course description. Should help to mentally prepare for the hills .. sorry I can't comment on your blog - not my best "third language".
